Choosing The Right School For Your Little Ones

Private Schools And Special Needs: Considerations For Parents

If your child has specific disabilities or learning impairments, you might find it hard to meet their needs at a public school. Some private schools offer excellent programming for children with special needs. If you are looking for a private elementary school to meet the needs of your child, here are some things to look for and consider as you search for the school that will be the best fit.  Read More 

Several Misconceptions You May Have Concerning Private Schools

If you are unfortunate enough to live in a school district that has inferior facilities or unsafe campuses, you may benefit from enrolling your child in a private school. Yet, it can be easy for many parents to overlook this option as a result of several myths about these schools, and you will want to make sure that you know the truth about these notions so that you can make the best choice for your child's educational needs. Read More 

4 Things To Inquire About Before Sending Your Child To Preschool If They Have Severe Food Allergies

Having a child that suffers from severe food allergies means that you need to be extra vigilant about where your child spends their free time when they are outside of your care. Even though your child may be aware that they have a severe food allergy, they are still not old enough to be responsible for making sure that their environment is safe for them. If you are looking into preschools for your child with severe food allergies, here are four things that you need to make sure that you inquire about. Read More 

How to Transition Your Child from Public to Private School

Anytime a student switches from one school to another, it can be very difficult for that student to adjust. It is particularly hard when a student is switching from a public school to a private school. Classes and schedules may be designed differently, different clothing such as uniforms may be required, other students may be further ahead academically, and many other complications may arise. It is very important to make sure that you can adequately prepare your child to properly make the transition from public to private school. Read More 

Public Schools, Private Schools, or Charter Schools? Which Is Right for Your Child?

When you have a child that is approaching school age, you may find yourself in a bit of a conundrum. You want to make sure that they get the best education possible, but you may not know which type of school can provide your child with that superior education. Currently, in the United States, there are three primary categories of schools available to children. Those are public schools, private schools, and charter schools. Read More